Tuesday, May 28, 2013

The Beginning!

Let's be honest, we all know how it happened! God put a baby in my belly and when it's time, the baby will come out of my belly button. That's the story, according to Jordan!

I wrote this post back in April. I didn't want to forget the details! Now that I am out of the pregnancy closet, I can finally share!

We had an appointment with the fertility doctor on March 6th. I loved her! She asked what our goals were and what route we wanted to take and then offered her medical advice. She didn't push us into believing something or trying anything that we weren't comfortable with. I told her my concerns with fertility drugs. I had a cyst rupture in January causing me a lot of pain. I didn't want to take anything that would increase the chance of another cyst coming back. She assured us that if we wanted a baby that we would have a baby. She wanted us to do the preliminary tests, get Ashish tested, make sure my tubes were clear, etc. before doing anything else.

We got Ashish tested, everything was normal. The advice that she gave us was to get the Clear Blue Easy Fertility Monitor and chart my ovulation for the next three months. She didn't want to do anything in those 3 months. I was a little frustrated, but confident in her plan. We ordered the $60 kit off of Amazon and waited until the right time. Unfortunately, by the time we received the kit, it was too late for us to test in March. That's okay...we'll start in April!

Wednesday, March 27th: We're driving to my parent's house from T-Ball practice. As we come to a 4 way stop, I turn to Ashish and said "I think I'm pregnant." He brushed it off and said "you always think you're pregnant." I knew that he didn't mean anything by it. I do, always think I'm pregnant, and I hadn't been. The amount of money spent on pregnancy tests is a little ridiculous. So, I continued driving, all while thinking "I know I'm pregnant." I didn't bring it up again at my parents house. When we got home, I took the one test that I had left under my bathroom cabinet, hid in the bathroom, and peed on a stick. I came out like nothing was going on and went about my bedtime routine. I didn't tell Ashish that I was taking the test. I already knew what he was going to say..."you're only going to be disappointed. I don't know why you keep doing this to yourself?" He has been nothing but supportive but I know that the negative tests wear on him just as much as they do me. I left the test face down on the bathroom floor, waiting for the 3 minutes to pass. Unfortunately (and fortunately) Ashish beat me to the bathroom. He saw the test and immediately said what I thought he would..."Danielle, why are you getting your hopes up?" At the minute, I turned the test over and it was POSITIVE! We both looked at each other and did the happy dance/hug/jump up and down/hug some more dance. We couldn't believe it. We weren't expecting it.

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We immediately told Ashish's mom! When we found out we were pregnant with Jordan, we told my mom first so it was only fair. She was half asleep so she wasn't as excited as we thought she would be. Next, I told some of my closest girlfriends. We've had a lot of prayers for this baby. We even had people praying for us that we didn't even know. It is very sweet and humbling to have someone say "I've been praying for a baby for your family." Of all the things going on in the world; they're praying for us.

On Easter we decided to tell our best friends and my parents. Keisha, my best friend, cried. Another one of our prayer warriors. She and Chris were just as excited about the pregnancy as we were. I love friends like that. The ones that share your excitement with you. My parents were also excited. My dad turned on music, my mom cried. This is how we shared the news!
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Our days as a family of 3 are numbered. We couldn't be more excited!


Rejoice with those who rejoice...Romans 12:15

1 comment:

Faith said...

Danielle!!! I'm so happy for you and Ashish!! Congrats congrats congrats! God is so good and faithful!