Thursday, January 27, 2011

What I've Learned in Two Years

Two years ago I was praying that I would "hurry up and have this baby." I had a perfect pregnancy, little weight gain, minimal ankle swelling, not too much back pain. My last month of pregnancy was the worst. Insomnia kicked in and I was awake while the world was sleeping-every night. On the phone with my grandmother one day, I told her that I was having trouble sleeping at night and was exhausted during the day. After a lot of "grandmother-ly" advice she said "your insomnia is just God's way of preparing you for the baby."

Jordan will be two on February 5th. Those two years have flown by so fast. I compiled a list of things that I have learned in these short (and long) two years.

  1. My grandmother was right; God was preparing me. Jordan slept through the night for 4 weeks and then stopped. Months 3-9 are a blur because Ashish and I were coasting through parenthood with one eye open and the other one closed.
  2. One smile from Jordan does make everything better. Something tells me that he may use his super power (his smile) against me one day.
  3. Children will make and break your the same time. Between being sleep deprived, frustrated with a colicky baby, working (Ashish), and trying to maintain your house; emotions run high, things are said, and feelings get hurt. It's unfortunate but it's true-at least at our house.
  4. Grandparents are your best and worst friends. Jordan has awesome grandparents, on both sides. We have never had to find a babysitter, all of the grandparents are more than willing to rearrange their schedules to accommodate ours.
  5. No matter how good your diapers are...boys have a way of peeing out of the top side of a diaper.'s just weird.
  6. Babies sense when they are wearing really nice clothes...they typically spit up, poop, or pee all over them.
  7. The list could go on but I will leave off with this...when I married Ashish, I didn't think that I could love another person more...then I had Jordan. He is the best thing that has happened to me and to us.
"No one sad it would be easy, they just said that it would be worth it."


Tasha Criss said...

My Favorite so far. I LOVE IT!

Danielle said...

Thank You Ma'am! I'm waiting for you to make a new post!